UIndy students, faculty, staff, and alumni submit audio files for original musical compositions and spoken word/slam poetry under this category for our Etchings Literary and Fine Arts Magazine. We use a blind submission process, and we appreciate your help with this process:

  • Submit up to 5 pieces of musical compositions and/or spoken word/slam poetry in .mp3 file format. 
  • Please submit a separate form for each piece (so, up to 5 forms/submissions for the audio file category--it's OK to only include your bio and composer's statement/poet's statement on your first form).
  • Please include only 1 song/poem in a file. 
  • Please do not include your name as part of your recording or as part of your file's name. Label your file with the submission title.
  • If a music composition, we hope you will include the score to your song (or lyrics, if a full score is not available) in a separate file. Please do not include your name as part of your score or as part of your file's name. Label your file with the submission title.
  • When you upload your file(s), please use the file's name.
  • Please include a bio (no more than 50 words) that you'd love to see published in our magazine and on our website! 
  • We encourage you to to submit an composer's statement or poet's statement (no more than 100 words) for your piece(s) as well. This option offers you an opportunity to put your song or poem into context. 

Note: Musical composition pieces selected for publication will have their audio and sheet music (if a music composition) published on the Etching Press website at http://etchings.uindy.edu/etchings-literary-journal/. The publication will be listed in the print/archived issue as well. Spoken word pieces' audio will also be published at this site, and their text will be printed in the print/archived issue.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.